About Us

Corewise Pty Ltd, established in 2006, is owned and operated by Frank Frisina.  

Frank’s journey in the mining and exploration industry started around 35 years ago with Geomart. Upon the sale of Geomart, he was given the opportunity, by Mr Graham Wallis, to start his own company (Westernex Supply).

After selling Westernex Supply in 1989, Frank relocated overseas to expand his knowledge in the mining industry.   

On his return to Australia in 1993, after two years of research and development,  Frank started Almonte Diamond Pty Ltd. The first Automatic Core Saw was developed and introduced to the industry, with the assistance of Boddington Gold Mine.  The saw developed into the safest and fastest core cutting system in the world.

At this point, Frank received the Australian Design Award for the invention of the first Automatic Core Saw.  Over the next ten years, the saw sold worldwide.

After selling Almonte Diamond, it became clear there was a void left in the industry.  Ex-clients sort Franks assistance to sort out issues arising with their Core Saw.  At this point, Frank made the decision to establish Corewise Pty Ltd in 2006.

The Almonte saw, as good as it was, did not address current issues the mining and exploration industry were having.  After listening to our industry the new patented Corewise Automatic Core Saw was introduced, along with our world first single-phase Automatic Core Saw.  The Corewise saw, we have created, is safer, easier to use and lower maintenance.

Our saw comes with an unconditional 12 month warranty.   You are welcome to try our saw for 30 days and if you are not 100% happy with the performance please return the machine with no further obligations.